Monday, October 5, 2009

Time Flies...when you're finding a job!

My effort to change my life in 99 days continues. Each day a post of my efforts in 100 words or less. 

 Day 11 Cities on my radar – Dallas, Denver, Northern California and Florida. I reached out to people in Dallas for recruiter info. I have others to contact. I found several great jobs to apply for with nonprofits in other areas. The teleseminar on “How to Finish What You Write” was enlightening. I enjoyed it. My parents suggested pizza for dinner. Now  I’m nervous for my weigh-in tomorrow. In a side note, I have a new dream car – the Lexus ISC 350 Convertible – LOVE IT! I plan to have one by early 2012. Drop top for a reasonable price.

Day 10Wow! It’s October, already! Today marks the end of 6 months of unemployment. The job market is tough. I’m trying to stay positive, but each day gets harder. I’m beginning to realize that this geographic area may not be the best place to find the marketing positions I am looking for. The unemployment rate here is much lower than average and the available jobs are scarce. My new thinking is that I will most likely need to move to get a position. My new mission is to decide on the cities and seek local recruiters who can help.

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