Saturday, October 3, 2009

Making Connections

Day 9More research and effort on the job front. I signed up for a teleseminar on “How to Finish What You Write” by Coach Marla Beck (@MarlaBeck). I am writing a short story for competition, and I have less than 60 days to complete it and submit. I also tried yoga today. It was a great session; it calmed me down. I followed the Feast On Good conference via Twitter today. I learned a lot about nonprofits using social media to raise money. Great example: @CharityWater. I forwarded a video to select Women’s Sports Foundation staff. Hope it helps.

Day 8 Totally not productive. I registered for a few more webinars on the job search. I garnered a few more followers on Twitter and found a new way to find jobs on Twitter. I also connected with a sorority sister seeking employment in Atlanta. We are hoping to help each other out with the job search. I found more jobs to consider and have a shitload of positions to review and decide on whether or not to send my application. Back to the grind again tomorrow.

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