Hola, mi Gente. The time has come for me to take some time away from NYC. As I prepare to exit, I have comfort in knowing that this is my decision. While my current circumstances are not ideal, I made the decision to leave. I chose to leave the rat race. I chose to move on from the madness. I chose to leave behind the land of ‘only in [New York].' I did all this in pursuit of balance and a better understanding of my purpose in life.
My hiatus is a bit sudden and uneasy. However, I have solace and gratitude in knowing that I can always go home. And that’s where I’m heading – the Collins Spa* in Sherwood, Arkansas. The Collins Spa is a comfortable, all-inclusive, inexpensive establishment. On-site amenities include a Five-star chef (better known as Mom), an on-call concierge (also known as Dad), and an expansive yard with a small functional vegetable garden as well as peaceful surroundings (my neighborhood).
While I will miss New York City and the great friends and associates I made during my tenure here, I welcome my return trip to the Collins Spa. I look forward to spending time with family and friends (old and new). To my NYC friends, I may be gone; but YOU will not be forgotten. And, remember the Collins Spa takes year-round reservations. Come visit!
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye. I'm going home!
Written on the Long Island Railroad train to Valley Stream.
P.S. I will continue my job search from Arkansas. My passion is creating branded experiences.
*Thanks Lourdes for the catchy name.